Donate Toys Now!

Tony Tone
November 29, 2019
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It’s important to me to continue the conversation about the schedule adjustment that was made to the annual Two Weeks of Love campaign for 2019. Read this and then please, take action and donate a new, unwrapped toy to the Hawkeye Hauler truck that is parked in the Krieger’s parking lot on the corner of Highways 61 and 38!

There are over 1,000 people that will receive help this Christmas thanks to The Salvation Army of Muscatine. “Toy Time” is part of the 19th annual Two Weeks of Love campaign that focuses on collecting as many toys as possible. I would challenge your place of business to collect some cash, purchase toys, and drop them off to the Hawkeye Hauler truck, or maybe you jump on your place of business’s social media channels and throw down the gauntlet and challenge competing businesses?! The holiday season is really the only time of year I find it acceptable to call people out for the sake of helping others. So, bring it on! This isn’t about materializing Christmas but rather ensuring that children don’t feel different from their peers.

You remember coming back to school following Christmas break and the conversation in the classroom or at lunch was, “what did you get for Christmas?” I love what Lieutenant Greg Bock said, “this isn’t a handout, but a hand up to those in need.” The children that will wake up on Christmas smiling have no control of the situation they find themselves in. You and I can make a difference!

So, please join us this week during “Toy Time” (December 2nd to December 6th) and bring those new, unwrapped toys to fill the Hawkeye Hauler truck. You won’t be able to miss the Tan Tara Transportation Corporation’s beautiful truck that literally transports the Iowa Hawkeye football team across the country. It’s the equivalent of the Bat-Signal for Two Weeks of Love.

Muscatine County residents really do act as superheroes! For instance, the one and only Viola Werner, who for over fourteen years, along with her great group of friends, has purchased and donated hundreds of new bicycles! It’s such an incredible thing to see when they deliver the fruits of their labor. Look for the Hawkeye Hauler and know that people in Muscatine are coming together to serve those in need.

Without getting ahead of myself, we’ll also need your help next week (December 9th to December 13th) during “Freezin for Food” when we work together to fill the Hawkeye Hauler with non-perishable food donations. More about that next week.

Please get involved and help make the holidays a little brighter for folks in your own backyard! We’ll also need volunteers this coming Saturday, December 7th at 9:00 am to help unload all the donated toys. Meet at Calvary Church off highway 61 and be prepared to work for forty to sixty minutes as we empty the truck. I can’t wait to see you and thank you in advance for the continued support!

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