Cattle in the Green series at Muscatine County Extension in December
Cattle in the Green is a new program designed to empower cattle producers to transform their financial and business management practices to increase their profitability, eliminate money pits and reduce their stress.
Sessions will be held at the Muscatine County Extension Office on Thursday, December 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
This four-part series that was designed by Patrick Wall, ISU Extension & Outreach Beef Specialist, to look at financial and business management from a different perspective. Most beef producers view financial records as a necessity for taxes, but Cattle in the Green uses that basic data to analyze the operation to look for and use simple management changes for better results.
There is a $50 registration fee, which includes the meal before each session and all materials and resources. There is a $25 discount for couples registering together for the course. Register online at by calling the ISU Extension & Outreach Muscatine County Office at 563-263-5701. The registration deadline is November 30th by 4:30 pm. Pre-registration is required.
For questions or to learn more about Cattle in the Green, call 563-263-5701 or contact Lauren Nerad, office assistant for Muscatine County Extension, at [email protected].