Joint City-County-School virtual meeting set for September 29

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MUSCATINE, Iowa – A presentation on the strategic plan for Muscatine Power and Water (MPW) is just one of several items on the agenda when the Muscatine City Council, Muscatine School Board, and the Muscatine County Board of Supervisors meet for a joint virtual session on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.


The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held virtually through the GoToMeeting application. Details on joining the meeting are listed below. The three governmental entities last met in joint session on March 30, 2021.


MPW General Manager Gage Huston will lead a presentation on the MPW strategic plan and other MPW updates. Muscatine County Assessor Randy Spies will provide an overview on the property valuation process and current trends in property values, while City of Muscatine Community Development Director Jodi Royal-Goodwin will provide an update on the housing plan.


Also on the agenda is a discussion being led by Muscatine County Supervisor Santos Saucedo on access to the Transfer Station, and a discussion led by City of Muscatine Mayor Diana Broderson regarding the preparation process for future joint meetings.


To download a PDF version of the September 29, 2021, Joint Meeting Agenda, click AGENDA.


How to attend the virtual meeting – 


To join the virtual meeting by computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone click on the following link can also listen to the meeting with their phone by dialing +1 (408650-3123 and use the access code 683-690-389.


Please mute your computer or phone while listening to the proceedings (press *6 when using phone or mute button on computer). 


This is an informational session and public comment may not be requested. 


However, if public comment is requested, those wishing to comment can use the chat window available in the GoToMeeting application to notify the presiding official that you would like to make a comment. The chat box can also be used to post a message that will be seen by the presiding officer who will address the message or call on the speaker in turn. Those listening with their phones must wait until the presiding officer asks for additional comments. The presiding official will recognize you prior to you addressing the joint meeting. 


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