Digital Inclusion Week Sparks Drive for Device Access and Equity
by Xiomara Levsen
October 04, 2023
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The City of Muscatine proudly joined the seventh annual Digital Inclusion Week Oc. 2 – 6. This is a national week of action to raise awareness and amplify the importance of digital equity. This year’s theme, “Building Connected Communities,” aligns perfectly with our mission to bring digital access and skills to everyone in our community.

old iphone

old iPhone

The City’s Digital Inclusion Coordinator for the city’s  Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) grant is Charlie English. He started his position this past August.

His first event was holding a device drive to be held during Digital Inclusion Week 2023. The drive was a part of an Outreach Program for ACP. English has been reaching out to local businesses and individuals to collect unused or outdated devices for refurbishment or recycling.

“We hope other organizations may be open to joining the City in utilizing this service to dispose of technology devices that are no longer useful,” English said.

Donations were accepted at Musser Public Library and at the Loper Learning Center at Muscatine Community College.

Individuals or businesses with a high volume of donations can contact English directly to arrange for a pickup (phone 563-275-6442 or email at [email protected]).

Digital inclusion encompasses three critical areas: affordable internet, access to suitable devices, and digital skills training — basic essentials still out of reach for millions of Americans.

“This week serves as an opportunity to celebrate the progress made, be visible and raise awareness, and to extend our reach within the community,” Jodi Royal-Goodwin, Community Development Director, said.

States, including Iowa, are in the struggle to create digital equity plans, thanks to the funding opportunities through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). While the funding prospects are exciting, Digital Inclusion Week serves to highlight the ongoing, community-based work that is the lifeblood of digital equity.

“We look forward to highlighting the incredible digital inclusion work happening in our community during this national week of recognition,” English said. “Our collective efforts help bridge the digital divide, and this week is our opportunity to ensure these initiatives are recognized and supported on a broader scale.”

 The devices will be collected throughout this week, then taken to PCs for People at their warehouse in Cook County, Illinois, English said. PCs for People will refurbish the devices or recycle them, making the refurbished devices available to low-income households and non-profit organizations.  Their main goal is to bridge the Digital divide by providing access to suitable devices at an affordable price, and they strive to keep electronic waste out of landfills.

This drive will help Muscatine County responsibly dispose of its unwanted devices and contribute to the greater goal of advancing Digital Equity in the community.

For additional information about the Device Drive and/or the ACP program contact Charlie English at 563-275-6442 or email at [email protected].
